What does it mean to be a DCPS Partner?
At DC Public Schools, we define a partner as an organization or group that is committed to work with DCPS to make sustainable impact on a shared goal around student success.
Across the district, we have community partners in our schools that provide their time, resources or financial support. We believe that partnerships are an integral component to school and student success and we are fortunate to have partners who sponsor school initiatives, invite students to events and implement valuable programs.

What is a School Program Provider (SPP)?
A School Program Provider is defined as an organization that:
Provides its own programming directly to DCPS students
Works with students 3 or more times per school year
Requires collaboration directly with DCPS schools, AND
Is NOT a health or mental health provider*
*Any organization that is interested in providing health services or mental health support services, must reach out to those departments separately. Please do not complete the School Program Provider Application.
Organizations interested in offering Student Health Services (immunizations, health screenings, medical care, etc.): Complete an interest form here
Organizations interested in offering Student Mental Health Support (screenings, therapy services, etc.): Visit the Student Mental Health Support page to learn more