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Partnering with a DCPS School or Central Services Team

Once you've registered as a DCPS School Program Provider (SPP), it's now time to reach out to school or content teams within DCPS Central Services.  

There are many ways to create a connection between a school/office and your organization.

You can find a list of our schools and contact information here.

Here are some helpful ways to get your foot in the door with a school or Central Services team:

  1. Reach out to a school that is in your neighborhood. One of the best connections you can make with a school is to show your connection to the community. 

  2. Email principals in schools with whom you are interested in partnering to discuss your program and its benefits to students. 

  3. Reach out to the Partnerships Team to see if there are any specific school needs that your programming may address. 

  4. Contact the relevant Central Services team that focuses on your content-specific programming and demonstrate how your program is aligned with DCPS' strategic priorities.

For more guidance on finding the right school for your program and how to build successful, collaborative partnerships, please see our School Partnership Toolkit.


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